Mind the Gap

Kassandra Wellendorf, Danmark, 1993

10 min.DK/Eksperimentalfilm

Dansk titel Mind the Gap
Original titel Mind the Gap
Instruktør Kassandra Wellendorf
Produktionsland Danmark
Produktionsselskab Det Danske Filmværksted
Dansk distribution Danske Filmværksted
Tekniske data Farve
Dansk biografpremiere 04.02.1993
Synopsis En hektisk, men underlig rejse gennem Londons Undergrund. Den fjerde i instruktrørens serie 'Storbyportrætter' - And then I felt / maybe I was dreaming backwards / I had the feeling / if I changed my seat / the dream / running the passengers backwards / but they were non existent / but the dream was running / maybe thte driver was running the dreams backwards.